AMA is an Italian company specialising in the supply of solutions and components for the outfitting and maintenance of Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV), agricultural and green care machinery. It provides solutions for the agircolture, industrial, construction and goods handling sectors.
Production is divided into 8 product areas ‘Business Units’: Cabin Components, Seats and Steering Wheels, Hydraulic Components, Agricultural Components, Soil Working Components, Composite Materials, Catalogue Parts for the After Market, and Lawn & Garden Machinery and Parts.

Board of directors
After 10 years as Commercial Director of the Valpadana company, specialised in the production of small tractors and small agricultural machines, in 1967 he founded AMA based on the brilliant intuition that the market was ready to accept non-original components and accessories. In the following years, in parallel with the growth of the After Market channel, he gave life to the project that saw the production of customised solutions for the OHV world as the driving force behind the group's growth.
Over the years, he has received several awards and honours, including the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (2021).
Over the years, he oversaw a process of rationalisation of the corporate structure, internationalization and industrial development of the Group headed by AMA S.p.A.: He expanded the range of products by setting up 6 new product divisions, through a process of acquisitions and the opening of factories, he strengthened the production set-up in Italy (6 factories since 1994) and abroad (4 plants - India, USA, Bosnia, Ukraine); he also expanded the Group's presence abroad by establishing 15 distribution branches and 4 representative offices.
In 2008, he personally oversaw the Article 67 debt restructuring procedure for AMA S.p.A.
Between 2015 and 2017, he oversaw the issuing of the first AMA bond with US institutional investors.
In addition to his involvement to AMA, he also acts as institutional representative in Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industry) both locally and nationally. From 2017 to 2023 he was President of FederUnacoma (National Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers) and is currently Vice-President of CEMA (European Committee of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers).
He works as a volunteer, advisor and treasurer at the ASEOP non-profit organization in Modena.
From 1999 to 2005, she headed the Marketing and Sales After Market Italy area; she perfected the commercial data management system, the reorganisation of the sales network, and the start-up of the franchising project called AGRISTORE.
Since 2006, she has managed the Human Resources area and coordinated the HR and IT Central Functions for the AMA group.
Since 2011, she has been Managing Director of Human Resources for AMA S.p.A.
From 2018 to 2021 she directed the project of process mapping, software and partner selection and implementation of the new ERP system on the SAP s/4 HANA platform for the companies in the AMA Group.
In 1997 she joined the company and began a period of growth and training within the group's Cabin Business Unit.
Thanks to the experience and knowledge gained in the world of electrical and electronic components, she has been Product Manager for the electrical sector since 2006, with a specific focus on range expansion and product positioning in the market.
Isabella holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Modena.
He is Full Professor in the Department of Management & Technology at the Bocconi University, Associate Dean for the SDA Bocconi School of Management, and Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Governance at the SDA School of Management. Director of the Corporate Governance Lab, and co-Director of the eSG Lab (excellence in Sustainability and Governance) at the Bocconi School of Management, he is responsible, both at the University and at the SDA Bocconi School of Management, for Management and Corporate Governance courses at the undergraduate, graduate, MBA, GEMBA and executive levels, for the Elite training project of the Borsa Italiana, as well as for the induction programme for Board Members, called the "SDA Bocconi School of Management Directors' Program".
He sits as an independent Board Member on the Boards of listed and non-listed companies. He is the author of numerous international publications on corporate governance and family business issues, as well as a member of the editorial board of several scientific management journals.
Alessandro holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Chieti.
He began his career working in industrial companies for almost a decade, then he landed in the world of financial consulting, eventually becoming a partner in an important national firm. In the meantime, he completed his studies with a Master's degree in Corporate Finance at the SDA Bocconi School of Management, becoming a Certified Public Accountant and Auditor and with an Executive Master's degree in Business Administration from the SDA Bocconi School of Management.
He sits as an independent director on boards of unlisted companies.
Alessandro holds a degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Milan.
Board of Statutory Auditors
Giuliano Canovi
Giuseppe Cavalchi
Alberto Grilli
Supervisory body
Giuliano Canovi
Maura Catellani
Francesca Manzotti
Auditing firm
Audirevi SpA
Management committee
Luciano Malavolti
Alessandro Malavolti
Nicoletta Medici
Massimo Bortoluz
Marcello Lirani
Dino Germini
Vittorio Medici
Gabriele Marani
Daniele Campana
Andrea Panari
Marco Corradini
Luigi Fiorini
Simone Ghirardi
Elisa Catellani
Monica Marchi
Fabrizio Zanichelli
Organisational Model Legislative Decree 231/2001
In order to ensure correctness and transparency in conducting company activities, AMA SpA has adopted an “Organisation, Management and Control Model” in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The adoption of this Model constitutes, over and above the legal requirements, a further valid tool for raising the awareness of all employees and those who work for and with AMA, with a view to ensuring correct and transparent conduct that is in line with the ethical-social values which inspire the company.
To prepare the Model, AMA analysed its risk areas taking into account the provisions of the Decree and the Guidelines formulated by Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry).
To supervise the implementation of Model 231/01, the Board of Directors appointed a Supervisory Body responsible for verifying its effectiveness, and its adaptation over time.
Anyone, employees, business partners and third parties who wish to contact the Supervisory Body or report any violations of Model 231/2001 and/or the Code of Ethics can write to

Code of Ethics
With the definition of the Code of Ethics, AMA, aware of the importance of the social contribution of business activity, recognises, accepts and shares the set of principles and values that must inspire the conduct and behaviour of those who, from within and without, operate in the Company’s sphere of action.
Whistleblowing Procedure
The AMA Group encourages anyone who intends to report, even anonymously, in a confidential and confidential manner, an actual or alleged violation of the principles and rules contained in the Code of Ethics, in the Organization and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, in the Group’s policies and procedures and, more generally, of laws and regulations and of which they have become aware by reason of the employment relationship, that is, because of or on the occasion of the same.
The Group undertakes to guarantee the confidentiality of the persons and facts reported, as well as the identity of the whistleblower. After verifying their reliability, all reports, including anonymous ones, will be managed by the Whistleblowing Officers, in accordance with the “Whistleblowing Procedure”.
The personal data and information provided as part of the reporting procedure will be processed to manage and follow up on the report, as well as investigate any reported conduct and take the necessary measures, in accordance with applicable legal regulations, including legislation on the protection of personal data. The purposes and methods of data processing by the Group are governed by the privacy policy.
The whistleblower can send a report, in identified form or anonymously, through the dedicated platform at the following link:!/WB/ama

Anti-Corruption Policy
The AMA Group carries out its activities with integrity, honesty, fairness and loyalty and is committed to promoting and requiring compliance with national and foreign laws and regulations relevant to the exercise of corporate activities. The Anti-corruption policy is designed to provide an overview of the organisational measures adopted to prevent local and transnational corruption by shareholders, members of the Corporate Bodies, Top Management and employees, as well as all those who, regardless of the type of contractual relationship, operate in the name or on behalf of the company and, as far as applicable, to consultants, suppliers and other third parties who deal with the company.